
Profile completeness



de Hogenkamp 22
7071 EC
The Netherlands
0315 270 665
20 - 49
Comfort Company B.V.
Renovatie,  Onderhoud,  Verbouw
37.a Na-isolatie spouw D A C
22.22 Reinigen bestaand metselwerk / Gevelreiniging D A
22.24 Injecteren bestaand metselwerk D A
37.00 Na-isolatie D A
37.30 Isolatie-elementen D A
37.41 Spouwisolatie, ter plaatse gevormd D A
37.42 Isolatiedeklagen, ter plaatse gevormd D A
37.43 Dampremmende/dampdoorlatende lagen D A
37.b Na-isolatie vloeren, kelders D A
41 Wall finishes external; general D A
41.1 Wall finishes external D A
41.10 Wall finishes external; general (collection level) D A
41.12 Wall finishes external; covering D A
43 Floor finishes; general D A
43.2 Floor finishes; not-elevated D A
43.20 Floor finishes; not-elevated general (collection level) D A
43.21 Floor finishes; not-elevated finishing layer D A
47 Roof finishes; general D A
47.1 Roof finishes; finishes D A
47.10 Roof finishes; finishes, general (collection level) D A
47.11 Roof finishes; finishes, flat roof finishes D A
47.12 Roof finishes; finishes, pitched roof finishes D A
Accommodation,  Agricultural,  Brl 2110 - thermisch isoleren van bestaande spouwmuren met in-situ materialen,  Cell,  Church,  Construction,  Education,  Food and beverage,  Health,  Icynene,  Industry,  Knauf insulation,  Maintenance,  Meeting,  Monastery,  Monument,  New construction,  Office,  Parking,  Remodelling,  Renovation,  Repurposing,  Residential,  Residential building,  Restoration,  Shop,  Sport,  Utilities building
No known certificates
No known quality labels.
No trade organizations known.
Knauf insulation

Reference projects

Spouwmuurisolatie 188 appartementen
Den Bosch
Complex Melissant
29 woningen VvE te Arnhem
VvE Frans Halslaan te Arnhem

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